How To Speed Up ‘Avast Full Scan Takes Forever’ Error? 5 Ways

Picture this: You’re sitting at your computer, waiting as the Avast antivirus program scans each file meticulously, feeling like time has slowed. It’s not just a scan; it’s a marathon with no end in sight. In a digital age where speed is king, a slow antivirus scan can feel like a relic of a bygone era, testing your patience and disrupting your workflow. Avast full scan takes forever? It’s not just an inconvenience; it’s a hindrance to your productivity, a challenge to your schedule.

If Avast full scan takes an unusually long time, consider checking for software updates, reducing the number of files to scan, or adjusting the scan settings for efficiency. A fragmented hard drive or many files can also slow down the process. For detailed guidance on managing these settings, you might want to check out Avast high CPU usage which can provide additional insights.

But why resign yourself to watching the progress bar crawl? The solution to the Avast full scan taking forever is multi-faceted: check your computer’s performance, ensure Avast is updated, and consider breaking up the scan into smaller, more manageable parts. Sometimes, the most straightforward solutions can transform your experience from tedious waiting to efficient security management particularly when Avast full scan takes forever.

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What Is Full Scans In Antivirus Software?

A full scan in antivirus software, like Avast, is a comprehensive check. It meticulously goes through every nook and cranny of your system. Unlike a quick scan that skims the surface, a full scan dives deep, examining every file, folder, and hidden corner of your computer. It’s like a detective conducting a thorough investigation, leaving no stone unturned for Avast full scan.full scan in antivirus software

How long does Avast full virus scan take? Full scans are paramount in maintaining computer security. They are your digital immune system’s thorough check-up, catching malicious software that might have slipped past less intensive scans. It’s akin to having a security guard check every room in a building rather than just the entrance. These scans are crucial for detecting dormant or well-hidden threats, ensuring your system’s safety and peace of mind.

What Are The Common Reasons For Slow Full Scans In Avast?

Here are some common reasons for slow full scans in Avast as Avast full scan takes forever.

  • Vast Number Of Files And Complex Directories: One of the primary reasons for slow scans is the sheer volume of data. Think of it as a librarian cataloging an entire library versus a single shelf. Complex directories add layers of complexity, making the scan more time-consuming.
  • Active Processes And Applications: Running applications and processes during a scan is like trying to dance while cleaning the house. It hampers the process, as the antivirus needs to work around these active elements, slowing down the overall scan time as McAfee full scan taking forever.
  • Outdated Software Or Virus Definitions: Using outdated Avast software or virus definitions is akin to navigating with an old map. It’s not just about missing the latest roads; it’s about lacking the tools to identify new threats effectively. Regular updates ensure your antivirus software has the latest information to scan efficiently and effectively. To understand more about updating Avast and ensuring optimal performance, see how to update Avast. outdated avast software
  • Limited Hardware Resources: Limited CPU, RAM, and hard disk speed can significantly slow down a full scan. It’s like asking a sprinter to race with weights on their ankles. How long does a full scan take Kaspersky? These hardware limitations mean your system can only process the scan slowly, leading to longer scan times.

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How To Speed Up Avast’s Full Scan?

Here is how you can speed up Avast’s full scan.

  • Close Unnecessary Applications: Close programs and background processes before initiating a full scan. This action frees up system resources, allowing Avast to scan more efficiently. Think of it as clearing the stage for a performance; without the clutter, the main act proceeds unhindered.
  • Update Avast To The Latest Version: Keeping Avast and its virus definitions updated is crucial. These updates equip Avast with the latest tools and knowledge to scan effectively. It’s like updating your GPS software before a road trip; you’ll navigate better with the latest maps. avast's settings
  • Optimize Scan Settings: Adjust Avast’s settings to balance thoroughness and speed. Tailoring these settings to your needs can significantly enhance scan efficiency. It’s similar to setting the right gear in a car; the correct setting can make the journey smoother and faster. For more information on configuring Avast for optimal performance, you might find Avast blocking League Legends helpful.
  • Regularly Clean Up Your Computer: Regularly remove unnecessary files and programs. This not only declutters your system but also reduces the workload for Avast, leading to quicker scans. It’s akin to tidying a workspace; a cleaner space allows for more efficient work.
  • Upgrade Hardware If Necessary: For older systems, consider hardware upgrades. Improving your CPU, RAM, or hard disk can increase scan speed. This is similar to upgrading the engine in a car; newer, more powerful components lead to better performance as Avast full scan takes forever.


When Can You Perform Full Scans?

Schedule full scans during periods of low computer usage, like overnight or when you’re not using the computer. This is like scheduling maintenance work at a time when it will maintain daily activities.

windows defender

How long does a full scan take on Windows Defender? The frequency of full scans should balance between security and practicality. Regular scans are essential for optimal protection, but their frequency depends on your computer usage, internet activity, and exposure to potential threats. A good rule of thumb is to conduct a full scan at least once a month, but more frequently if your computer is heavily used or exposed to frequent downloads and external devices.

What Are The Alternatives To Full Scans?

Below are some alternatives to full scans as Avast full scan takes forever: 

  • Avast’s Smart Scan And Quick Scan Options: Avast offers Smart Scan and other quick scan options as efficient alternatives to full scans. These scans are faster, focusing on critical areas and common threats rather than examining every file. For more details on Avast’s scanning options, including Smart Scan, visit Avast blocks Visual Studio. Think of Smart Scan as a targeted approach, like a specialist quickly identifying common issues without a comprehensive examination.

real-time protection

  • Balancing Scans With Other Security Measures: Besides these scans, balance your security strategy with other measures like, firewalls, and safe browsing habits. It’s not just about scanning; it’s about creating a robust defense system against threats. Regular updates, cautious downloading, and avoiding suspicious websites are equally important in keeping your system secure.

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Why does Avast's full scan take a long time?

Avast's entire scan duration can vary based on the number of files, PC performance, and scan settings. It can range from a few minutes to several hours.

What can cause Avast to scan slowly?

Slow scans can be caused by outdated software, many files, running applications, limited hardware resources, or Avast's self-protection feature.

How can I speed up Avast's full scan?

To speed up the scan, close unnecessary applications, update Avast and your operating system, optimize scan settings, and consider hardware upgrades if your system is older.

Is it necessary to perform complete system scans regularly?

Regular full system scans are essential for thorough security, as they help detect hidden or dormant malware.

Can external storage devices affect Avast's scan speed?

Yes, external storage devices can slow down the scan process, especially if they contain extensive data.


In conclusion, optimizing Avast’s total scan times involves a combination of preparatory steps, setting adjustments, and regular system maintenance. Remember to close unnecessary applications, keep Avast updated, optimize scan settings, clean up your system regularly, and consider hardware upgrades if needed as Avast full scan takes forever.

Additionally, complement full scans with quicker alternatives like Avast’s Smart Scan for efficient security management. However, it’s crucial to maintain regular antivirus scans and adopt comprehensive security practices to safeguard your computer. By following these guidelines, you can ensure efficient and effective antivirus scans, keeping your digital life secure and smooth.

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